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Grassroots in Nebraska update, February 10 2010, Meeting February 11, Sovereignty Resolution, Open thread, Larry Sinclair, Government control of health care, Rezko, Blagojevich, John Brennan, MN senate race, Al Franken


Lest we forget.

There is much going on, we are on the road to saving this country from collapse and we must continue to fight to save it. There are many unfinished stories to write and to stay on top of. Here are just a few of them.

John Brennan’s controversial handing of terrorists, his controvesial past and his very suspicious ties to Obama.

The Rod Blagojevich trial, Tony Rezko sentencing and what potentially will be revealed about Obama.

The suspicious MN senate race and seat that Al Franken obtained.

The continuing struggle of Larry Sinclair to keep his story alive and the efforts to silence him.

Aside from the Tony Rezko trial and subsequent indictments of Obama associates such as Rod Blagojevich, Larry Sinclair and his story may have been the single biggest catalyst for many to begin questioning Obama early in 2008. He has not backed down. As many of you know, from the moment that Sinclair came out with his Youtube video in January 2008, he has constantly been attacked and no expense has been spared to shut him down. This is part of a much larger story of the MSM being complicit in hiding Obama’s past. We were not going to let that happen then and now.

I want to thank everybody for their efforts last night to help Larry Sinclair. We are all connected as Americans and as voyagers on this planet. We need each other and I believe one of the lessons of this life is awareness of the plight of others. Mother Teresa certainly exemplified that. Our efforts to save this country also bear this out as well as our efforts to look out for each other. Thanks to all who responded to my plea last night. It is not just about money. Caring, praying for and just doing what you can are what it is all about.

There is a new story that has developed out of the Larry Sinclair struggle. This story reveals what can happen when the government has control of our lives, in this case, Social Security. I have first hand knowledge of this. Just as I was writing this article, I received an email.

“Citizen Wells,  What do you think about a mass petition to US Senators
from Florida with everything that has happened to Larry and demand that his Social Security be reinstated.  I have had a battle royal with them myself, they have stopped and started mine three different due to letters being sent to them from my enemies.  If we could get a petition together including the facts from the beginning and have it hand delivered, I really believe it might make a difference.  They all know this SOB is illegal but want to push it from someone else’s proof.  this might work, especially through the Republican side.  Who Knows???  After all, with Larry’s illness, Obama with his dirty tricks is denying him medical care that will save his life.  Just A thought.  I can’t donate, but I can help push a petition and information of whats going on.”

Anyone out there think that we need to give the US Government control over our health care? 

Our friends in Nebraska have been doing their best to fight the bribery of Ben Nelson and prevent the federal government from becoming too powerful. From Grassroots in Nebraska.

Meeting Thursday Feb. 11th at IHop + BIG News on Sovereignty *All Hands on Deck*

 Reply grassrootsne.com to Wendy
show details 4:16 AM (6 hours ago)
A Message from Grassroots in Nebraska
The email system improvement seems to be working!

As noted in a message from last week, we are having a meeting this Thursday night.
Here are the details:
Day / Date: Thursday, February 11
Time:           7:00 – 8:30pm
Location:     IHop Restaurant
                    4501 N. 27th

Click HERE for a map
Brief review of last quarter
Overview of “Watchdog” program, announcement about a coalition, and recruitment of volunteers
Status update on Sovereignty Resolution, Hearing, and related events now in the works
Status on OK State Representative Charles Key’s travel to Lincoln for Sovereignty testimony & a public event
Upcoming events: Sunday 2/14 Webinar with Laura Ebke, Social Media Training, A New America Premiere, April Tea Party, more
PLEASE RSVP IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND We are at about half of capacity at this time. With the developments on Sovereignty, we anticipate additional interest in the meeting.
If you would like to have dinner prior to the meeting, Wendy secured the room beginning at 6:00pm.

Senator Tony Fulton’s Sovereignty Resolution has been scheduled for a hearing before the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee, Friday, February 19 at 1:30pm.
It is currently the first item scheduded to be heard.

Linda Rohman and I had a meeting with Senator Fulton on February 1, prior to the hearing being scheduled, to offer what ever support we could in helping the bill to pass. We had a follow-up meeting yesterday to give a progress report on our plans.

Linda has had prior successful experience in coordinating legislative advocacy with the Nebraska Home Educators’ Association. A very restrictive homeschooling bill had been proposed which went no further because NCHEA coordinated testimony and rallied up HUGE attendance at the Education Committee hearing. 1200 homeschoolers descended on the Capitol that day.
*We need THAT kind of support for the Sovereignty Resolution*
Come to the meeting Thursday evening to hear about the effort underway to ensure the passage of the bill.
I will be putting out further details on Friday.

One aspect of these plans is now likely to involve testimony by Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key. Representative Key was the author of the Oklahoma Sovereignty Resolution, which was successfully passed over the OK Governor’s veto in 2009. He is considered a leader in the Sovereignty movement; his bill has been used as a “template” by other states. He has testified before other state’s legislatures, including most recently, Kansas in January.
We will have received additional information about Rep. Key’s ability to come to Lincoln by the Thursday.

In addition to the effort to get people to the hearing, we are planning associated events and we will need many volunteers.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. If you are not able to attend but would like to help with the effort, please let us know!
Thank you,

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